Gender Connections: A role for communications, knowledge sharing, and data and information management, a brief

Gender Connections: A role for communications, knowledge sharing, and data and information management, a brief

For two years, CIAT supported the CGIAR Gender and Agriculture Research Network with communications, knowledge sharing and information management.

By: Simone Staiger Rivas

The CGIAR Gender and Agriculture Research Network was created in 2012 to ensure that the system´s research programs are gender responsive. Since then, the Network has worked to ensure that the CGIAR Strategy and Results Framework 2016-2030 includes gender in its strategic results and expected intermediate development outcomes (IDOs), which explicitly address gender (CGIAR, 2015).

In a series of 4 briefs, it is intended to provide an overview of activities, achievements, lessons learned and opportunities in key areas. Brief #2 Gender Connections: A role for communications, knowledge sharing, and data and information management presents the results of an electronic platform for networking and knowledge sharing, making gender research in CGIAR more visible, accessible and interconnected.

The support provided communications, knowledge sharing, and data & information management has helped establish a sound basis for effective interaction between Network members. This has also opened up continuous information flows to different user groups within the Network. The support team has tailored the tools and products developed to the expressed needs of Network members, including the coordinators, as confirmed during their latest annual meeting in November 2016.

See the brief
See the full series