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Marcela Quintero: Success at Work is a Matter of Balance

Marcela Quintero is one of the most prestigious researchers on environmental and agricultural issues at CIAT. She began her work as a member of a small team that started thinking how to internalize the environmental externalities in water basins. The work on Payment for Environmental Services stemmed from there, a pretty “odd” topic for the Center 18 years ago.

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CIAT’s research areas combine efforts to advance the Cacao for Peace initiative in Colombia

CIAT’s research areas combine efforts to advance the Cacao for Peace initiative in Colombia

Last August, CIAT’s Research Areas in Agroecosystems and Sustainable Landscapes and Agrobiodiversity organized a workshop to discuss and develop a work plan to summarize the instruments, methodologies, activities, and timeline of the project entitled “Geographical Information System Mapping for Optimized Cacao Production in Colombia,” under the Cacao for Peace (CfP) Initiative.

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Publishing Research Data

Publishing Research Data

CIAT like most research institutions generates a lot of research data and would like to publish it. Data publishing involves digital dissemination of research data and supporting information such as metadata, documentation, models, code and unpublished reports in such a way that it is persistently and uniquely identifiable.

Becoming a better facilitator

Becoming a better facilitator

Constantly, professionals of CIAT’s research and management areas face the challenge of organizing workshops, meetings and gatherings where they aspire to get feedback from their teams, partners or farmers. However, getting people to participate and openly express...

Discover CIAT

The International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) develops technologies, methods, and knowledge that better enable farmers, mainly smallholders, to enhance eco-efficiency in agriculture. This means we make production more competitive and profitable as well as sustainable and resilient through economically and ecologically sound use of natural resources and purchased inputs.

CIAT is a CGIAR Research Center.

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