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Christian Bunn: making science when uncertainty remains

When Christian came to CIAT in 2010, he had no intention to stay. All he wanted, was to find out what climate change would do to tropical perennial crops and nobody seemed to have a good answer but CIAT’s DAPA research area had just published some innovative ideas how the problem could be addressed.

Think global, act locally: the role of intermediate cities

CIAT’s Sustainable Food Systems Program (SFS), with support from the CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE), has been supporting the Municipal Agriculture Secretariat of Palmira (Valle del Cauca Department in Colombia) in identifying strategies to strengthen the activities developed by their Committee on Food and Nutritional Security. The Committee aims to establish a roadmap to identify priorities, as well as to design and implement their Food and Nutritional Security Plan.

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Tips on going Open Access with CIAT

Tips on going Open Access with CIAT

CIAT encourages scientists to publish in legitimate journals that best suit research needs and reach target users. However, CIAT also encourages researchers to make their research open in order to reach the widest possible audience, especially those from developing countries who cannot afford access to expensive scientific journal subscriptions.

Discover CIAT

The International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) develops technologies, methods, and knowledge that better enable farmers, mainly smallholders, to enhance eco-efficiency in agriculture. This means we make production more competitive and profitable as well as sustainable and resilient through economically and ecologically sound use of natural resources and purchased inputs.

CIAT is a CGIAR Research Center.

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