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Training Heifer International on Market System Development

The Alliance of Bioversity International and International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) has been supporting Heifer International in their drive to adopt the Market System Development (MSD) approach as an intervention model within the organization, so far conducting four introductory training sessions.

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Brainstorming biodiversity monitoring

Brainstorming biodiversity monitoring

The outcomes will nurture new CIAT collaborations in Brazil and help us jointly build a biodiversity monitoring approach that can meet both CIAT’s and USAID’s objectives. Furthermore, the approach will be useful for other institutions specialized in biodiversity monitoring, as well as for the private sector as a way to evaluate the performance of their activities in the Amazon region. In fact, such a tool can benefit all sectors of society engaged in the difficult task of balancing the trade-offs between development and environmental conservation.

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CIAT’s data team proves its capacity by winning the 2018 Syngenta Crop Challenge in Analytics

CIAT’s data team proves its capacity by winning the 2018 Syngenta Crop Challenge in Analytics

CIAT’s team took part this year in the Syngenta Crop Challenge in analytics. After intense work in preparing our submission, we couldn’t lower the error of our model anymore. But when the team submitted its proposal to the Challenge, back in March this year, we did not really know what to expect from it, as we had no idea of the real potential of those datasets we worked on…

Discover CIAT

The International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) develops technologies, methods, and knowledge that better enable farmers, mainly smallholders, to enhance eco-efficiency in agriculture. This means we make production more competitive and profitable as well as sustainable and resilient through economically and ecologically sound use of natural resources and purchased inputs.

CIAT is a CGIAR Research Center.

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