Giving voice to the voiceless: How COVID-19 is impacting Nairobi slum residents, in their own words
COVID-19 has only further complicated the challenge of feeding growing cities across Africa and the rest of the world. Researchers are listening to vulnerable urban populations to help develop better, sustainable food system solutions.
Distributing high-iron and zinc bean varieties to women farmers during COVID-19
In an act of solidarity, seeds awarded as an incentive to smallholders are shared with other women farmers unable to purchase seed during the pandemic.
Taming heat stress – climate change adaptation of pig and dairy sector in Uganda
Global heat stress is a growing problem that stands to impact health, livelihoods and the very food we eat. While high temperatures and heat waves can occur under normal weather conditions, with climate change they are becoming more severe, last longer and happen more frequently. In 2019, we saw wildfires blaze across different parts of the world, culminating in the devastating bushfires in Australia that raged for nearly two and half months, fueled by record-breaking temperatures and prolonged drought.
Caring for the seeds of the future during the quarantine
Making sure that the collections of beans, cassava, bananas, and forages remain alive, even during the quarantine, is an essential job of the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT in order to preserve the world’s biodiversity and food safety. From its work sites in laboratories, greenhouses, and experimental fields in Palmira, Colombia, and at the University of Louvain, in Belgium, Mónica, Melissa, Madelyn, Ramiro, Javier, Jair, Wilmer, Vincent, and Bart tell us about their experience in which they take on with equal responsibility the preventive measures established by the health authorities of their countries and those of our own organization. Their mission during the confinement is to safeguard the patrimony of more than 150 nations of the world that have entrusted the Alliance with one of their most precious treasures, their seeds.
Ethiopia Government and Alliance partners to implement USD 32 million water project
Downstream panoramic view of dam axis for Mekaneselam water supply dam, Ethiopia. The federal government of Ethiopia, through the regional government of Amhara, has been involved in the development of various water projects both for drinking and irrigation purposes to...
Training Heifer International on Market System Development
The Alliance of Bioversity International and International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) has been supporting Heifer International in their drive to adopt the Market System Development (MSD) approach as an intervention model within the organization, so far conducting four introductory training sessions.
Ethiopia holds workshop to enhance Open Access data among scientists
Some of the writeshop participants. Authors: Lulseged Tamene and Rosemary Nzuki. Researchers in Ethiopia have for years generated data and knowledge to tackle agricultural challenges. However, little value has been obtained from these invaluable assets that remain...
Making adaptation efforts actionable at scale towards a climate-smart cocoa sector
New study: Making adaptation effort actionable at scale towards a climate smart cocoa sector.Public, private and non-governmental actors can use our recommendation domains to roll-out climate adaptation interventions at scale.
Helping Lake Tana fight the Water Hyacinth menace
Water hyacinth is an invasive weed posing a grave threat to Lake Tana. A growing problem since 2011, the dangerous aquatic weed currently covers over 197 km in seven districts of the Amhara region and continues to expand rapidly.
Transformed livelihoods empowering rural women in Rwanda
In April 2018, heavy rains pounded the Virunga Mountains in Rwanda with torrents of water washing down to Burera Village causing flooding and destroying property as they went along.
CIAT in Africa
CIAT’s vision of the promise of tropical agriculture is especially relevant to sub-Saharan Africa. Nowhere does the well-being of so many people depend so much on a concerted effort to realize farming’s potential for reducing chronic hunger, opening pathways out of rural poverty, enhancing human nutrition, and improving the management of natural resources. CIAT works especially on the following themes:
- Leveraging markets through improved productivity and competitiveness
- Agriculture for improved nutrition in Africa
- Transforming farms and landscapes for sustainability
- Investment planning for resilient agriculture