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Can we actually measure resilience?
Resilience is a concept that is being applied to many different domains, from infrastructure’s response to extreme events to a child facing domestic violence. “Is there a common unit of resilience, relevant to all those different cases?” was the question behind a study recently published in the journal Earth’s Future.
CIAT Strategy refreshed for 2018–2020
In the five years that have passed since CIAT’s current strategy (2014–2020)1 was prepared, we have embraced new initiatives such as sustainable food systems, big data, and land restoration. We have also incorporated into our agenda the mandates of the UN Sustainable Development Goals2 and the Paris Agreement on climate change while maintaining our focus on impact at global, regional, national, and
subnational levels.
Relevant data management support when you need it: The CIAT-CCAFS Data Management Support Pack
CIAT and CCAFS update the Data Management Support, providing users with relevant resources, fast.
When understanding drivers of food systems becomes a planetary priority
This analysis will be one of the very first one of this kind conducted at the global level. The results will potentially have huge implications for policy and decision-makers at both national and international levels.
Only tortillas and beans
CIAT is working closely with the University of Florida and is implementing a research project on intra-household (or domestic) nutritional decision-making dynamics in rural households in Guatemala, as part of an IMMANA Grant funded by UK Aid.
PABRA increases its collection of documents on CGSpace by 49%
CIAT Information Management Services team provided support for PABRA to create and complete the PABRA community of information resources on CGSpace.
The joint effort made it possible for the PABRA community to increase on CGSPACE by 49% in 2018, from 216 to 321 documents available in full text.
Aligning needs with solutions: Data-driven agricultural innovation for Vietnam’s farmers
A mobile phone application that receives data from farmers is being piloted in Vietnam. Data coming from each farm will be entered as a quick response – QR – product code, which can relay to consumers, at point-of-sale, some information regarding the product’s environmental footprint. It’s a win-win-win situation: consumers get full product traceability, farmers receive agronomic advice based on what they enter into the app, and researchers obtain access to important data which can help them develop insights that can inform policy and decisionmaking.
FAO and CIAT launch Asia-Pacific partnership for climate-resilient agri-food systems
The Food and Agriculture Organization and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) formally launched an Asia-Pacific partnership workplan at a forum hosted by FAO’s Regional Office in Bangkok on July 12th. Through this partnership, FAO and CIAT envision to contribute to Asia-Pacific countries’ achievement of SDGs including those for: zero hunger (SDG 2), clean water and sanitation (SDG 6), sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11), climate action (SDG 13), and life on land (SDG 15).
CIAT offers training in measuring greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in real time
With the aim of measuring greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in real time, CIAT carried out the first training in the Eddy Covariance system under the project “Ecological Productivity Management Information System in Colombia (EcoProMIS)”.
Sustainable agriculture and livestock for dry tropical forest conservation
Promotion of good productive practices through sustainable incentives and strengthening of green business models in two Conservation Corridors of the USAID Natural Wealth Program in the dry tropical forest.