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3 questions we should answer on nutrition
Answering those questions would require further research, according to private, public and civil society leaders attending a recently held seminar by the CIAT-Africa office.
Asia-Pacific countries identify priority action to build resilience of agriculture to natural disasters
At a session facilitated by CIAT at the FAO-organized Asia Pacific conference on strengthening resilient food and agriculture systems, participants emphasized the need for coherence in policies and investments across institutions, in order to effect a coordinated response towards reducing risk and strengthening resilience of crops against increasing frequency and severity of natural hazards.
How can we measure the health of soil simply and cheaply?
CIAT, in collaboration with Rothamsted Research, are looking for mechanisms to measure soil quality in a simple way and at a lower cost, so that they can be used by farmers themselves to evaluate the effect of different varieties of tropical forages and their management on the health of your own soil.
Experts lay the ground for a global system to protect the world’s most important crops
A proposed global surveillance system will consolidate best practices in preventing crop diseases.
Opinion: We can do better to achieve zero deforestation and low-carbon development | Devex
In an op-ed published on Devex, Augusto Castro-Nuñez, Marcela Quintero, Matthias Jäger and Mark Lundy propose an approach that goes beyond transforming supply chains to achieve zero deforestation and low-carbon development.
Empowered women empowering others
For International Women’s Day, CIAT presents a series of opinion pieces where some of its female researchers share their views and stories about how they are empowering women and men in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.
Opinion: Without open data, there’s no big data for smallholder agriculture | Medium
On Open Day DAy 2018, Chief Data Officer Leroy Mwanzia says that to create big data, we first need to have open data. And this data needs to be reusable.
Opinion: Everyone’s looking for a data unicorn. There’s no such thing. | Medium
Daniel Jiménez argues that data science is about a collaboration among experts from various areas.
Farmers in Quang Binh province learn everything there is to know about sweetpotato
As part of the Food Resilience through Root and Tuber Crops in Upland and Coastal Communities of the Asia-Pacific (FoodSTART+) project, farmers in Quang Binh province learned all things sweetpotato – from agronomy to sustainable soil management to post-harvest processing, even including making pesticide from chili. FoodSTART+ aims to enhance food resilience among poor households by introducing root and tuber crops innovations.
Daniel Debouck receives Crop Trust award for crop diversity ‘gatekeepers’
The Crop Trust has named Daniel Debouck, who for many years led the CIAT Genetic Resources Program, as one of the recipients of its inaugural award recognizing “global gatekeepers” of crop diversity.