Cassava: Subsistence Crop or Trendy Commodity?
When many people hear the word cassava, they immediately think of a subsistence crop. Is this really the case? It depends on who you ask.
Fight against Ganoderma root rot disease begins in the acacia seedling
When farmers at Ma village began noticing that their acacia trees developed a rotten core, they found themselves pushed to planting eucalyptus almost exclusively.
Brewing a cassava crop model
CIAT and partner research centers from Vietnam work jointly in a project to develop and test a new simulation model for cassava. The model will facilitate farm-scale decision-making for improved agronomy in South-East Asia and the world.
LINK travels with Heifer to Asia and Africa
Building on its success in Central and South America, the collaborative work on value chain development and inclusive business between CIAT and Heifer International has expanded to 13 countries from Asia and Africa—again, in the form of a Learning Cycle around the LINK methodology.
Setting the record straight on oil palm and peat in SE Asia
A group of 139 scientists have written a letter in response to what they describe as miselading comments about oil palm production on peatlands
How much do countries benefit from one another’s crop diversity?
Bananas originated in South and Southeast Asia, and are now produced throughout the world’s tropics and eaten in at least 192 countries worldwide. Quinoa came from the South American Andes, and is currently cultivated in almost 100 nations. Countries clearly depend on one another’s crop diversity. But can we measure the extent of the benefits?
CIAT Annual Report 2015-2016 is out!
We build the fundamentals of sustainable food futures The world has never produced or consumed so much food. We cannot, however, ignore the pressure that food production is putting on the environment and the ecosystem services we all depend on. We cannot ignore either...
Climate-triggered pest and disease invaders threaten US$5 billion cassava industry in Asia
A new study published in Pest Management Science warns of devastating threats to cassava – a top starch-producing crop – creeping through Southeast Asia and heading for Indonesia, where cassava is a prime food.
New Climate-Smart Village in Vietnam tackling climate change in agriculture
On Wednesday, February 24th, a project will be launched in Ma village, in Vietnam’s northern Yen Bai District, as part of a region-wide initiative to tackle climate change in agriculture. The Climate-Smart Village of Ma is one of two climate-smart villages in Vietnam, chosen due to its vulnerability to specific climate challenges in the region including drought, cold snaps and declining soil fertility.
An eye on deforestation: Terra-i goes to Asia
Terra-i - the tracking database which flags deforestation - is going to Asia. The online mapping tool has checked the pulse of habitat health in Latin America since 2012, transforming real-time data every two months into habitat-change maps. Now, it will do the same...
About CIAT in Asia
Despite the economic miracle that Southeast and East Asia has experienced over the last four decades, a significant proportion of the population living in rural areas and relying on agriculture remain poor. The economic crisis that hit Southeast Asia in the mid-1990s demonstrated the importance of a rural base for much of the population and prompted a much-needed renewal of commitment to improve the conditions of smallholder farmers.
The newly established Common Platform on Microbial Biotechnologies (CPMB) in Hanoi, Vietnam, is investigating the role of soil biota in sustainable cropping systems, and promoting agroecology in the region.