by CIAT Comunicaciones | Aug 24, 2016
Claudia Navas, an advisor to Colombia´s High Commission for Post-Conflict Recovery, visited CIAT headquarters on 17-18 August with a clear objective: to gain a deeper knowledge of the Center´s experience in applied research and “identify effective interventions for...
by CIAT Comunicaciones | Aug 23, 2016
A group of researchers recently visited the town of Yosano in Japan to find out first-hand from Japanese rice growers about a new approach to rice agronomy that makes irrigated production more environmentally friendly, requiring less water and fewer applications of...
by CIAT Comunicaciones | Aug 10, 2016
Cross-posted from HarvestPlus HarvestPlus today announced the appointment of Beverley (Bev) Postma as HarvestPlus’ new Chief Executive Officer. In this role, Postma will lead HarvestPlus in strategy development and implementation, partner outreach and engagement,...
by CIAT Comunicaciones | Jul 27, 2016
A total of eight cassava varieties will be released in Colombia´s Cauca Department, Caribbean region, and Eastern Plains during the second half of 2016. Coming at the end of an important collaborative process, this achievement also signals the start of new joint...
by CIAT Comunicaciones | Jul 27, 2016
That’s how Muhammad Ibrahim, new Director General of the Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE, its Spanish acronym) highligthed it during his visit to CIAT headquarters near Cali, Colombia, on 7 and 8 July, aimed to identify collaborative...