by CIAT Comunicaciones | May 17, 2016
By Irene van Loosen This week CIAT’s Linking Farmers to Markets team published a new policy brief on Traditional Markets for Poverty Reduction and Food Security: Exploring Policy Options in Honduras and Nicaragua. The project, funded by the Ford Foundation, was...
by CIAT Comunicaciones | May 11, 2016
There are some things that money cannot buy, including the co-benefits derived from forest conservation efforts for climate change mitigation. Actually, when it comes to conserving our forests, financial incentives do not seem to be the main motivation for deciding...
by CIAT Comunicaciones | Apr 28, 2016
“Healthy ecosystems for resilient societies” is the theme chosen for the first Latin American regional ecosystem services conference to take place in CIAT Headquarters, at Palmira, Colombia, on 18–21 October 2016, within the framework of the Ecosystem Services...
by CIAT Comunicaciones | Mar 23, 2016
Launched today, World Meteorological Day, the four-year Rwanda Climate Services for Agriculture is an initiative by the Rwandan government and partners to provide nearly a million farmers with timely access to essential climate information services in order to manage...
by CIAT Comunicaciones | Mar 21, 2016
First of its kind global mapping project reveals gaps in wild crop genetic diversity for agriculture to adapt to future climate change Many of the wild plants that will be the building blocks for future global food supply are missing from the world’s genebanks,...