by Glenn Hyman | Jun 21, 2019
The 2019 Global Forest Watch (GFW) Summit, held in Washington DC this week, opened with a retrospective on how deforestation monitoring systems have matured since their broad development in the early 2010s. Several Latin America countries have their own dedicated...
by Glenn Hyman | May 17, 2019
Participants held an in-depth discussion about the challenges to achieving truly sustainable development in Orinoquia. The Sustainable Orinoco Pact sponsored a one-day Initiatives Fair just outside of the region’s major city Villavicencio yesterday. The event brought...
by Glenn Hyman | May 7, 2018
We invite you to join The Nature Conservancy (TNC) in an unprecedented effort to collectively map agricultural expansion and land degradation in the Latin American region through an expert survey based on the input of many and diverse professionals, including you....
by Glenn Hyman | Oct 10, 2017
In the world – every day – there are thousands and thousands of agricultural trials taking place. These could involve testing maize under drought conditions, or beans for their resistance to pests and diseases. We can only guesstimate how many trials there...
by Glenn Hyman | Aug 10, 2017
A diverse group of environmental and private sector specialists met in Bogotá last week to discuss how to achieve sustainable development in Colombia’s Orinoquia region. Meeting participants explored possible scenarios of sustainable development that reconcile nature...