by Sylvia Pineda | Aug 1, 2019
Within the framework of the project on scaling flash drying technology, financed by CGIAR’s research program on Roots, Tubers and Bananas (RTB), CIAT through the cassava program will hold the workshop “Low-cost flash dryer for starch and cassava flour at...
by Maria Eliza Villarino | Jul 29, 2019
Cacao and oil palm (CIAT/Neil Palmer) There’s an emerging narrative on why deforestation happens in Latin America. And it’s not quite the story that various studies, international policies and news outlets tell. As noted in a previous blog, a study conducted by CIAT...
by CIAT Comunicaciones | Jul 24, 2019
By: Paula A. Paz and Jhon Jairo Tello Terra-i, a project by CIAT’s Decision and Policy Analysis (DAPA) and Agroecosystems and Sustainable Landscapes (ASL) research areas, presents its “User manual – Near real-time monitoring system for the detection of vegetation loss...
by Sylvia Pineda | Jul 23, 2019
Due recognition deserve the scientists conforming the impact evaluation team of the Cassava Program at CIAT, who achieved the largest number of downloads during 2017-2018 of the paper: Household Determinants of the Adoption of Improved Cassava Varieties using DNA...
by José Luis Urrea | Jul 12, 2019
This agreement will focus on developing high-productivity and eco-efficient pastures, in line with global initiatives to mitigate climate change and build sustainable food systems. As global population grows so will demand for animal protein (Planbureau voor de...
by CIAT Comunicaciones | Jul 12, 2019
The initiative, jointly coordinated with the Peruvian Ministry of Environment (MINAM) and Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation (MINAGRI), the subnational government of Ucayali, and in partnership with international consultants Climate Focus (CF), aims to facilitate...