by Sean Mattson | Nov 21, 2018
Urgent action is needed to protect thousands of useful wild plants, according to new research; the data strongly suggest international conservation targets for 2020 will not be met — even for ‘commonplace’ wild plants. Headlines about threatened...
by CIAT Comunicaciones | Nov 14, 2018
A total of 200 participants, 70 oral presentations, 170 scientific posters on display, two culinary demonstrations, more than a dozen specialized sessions, visits to laboratories and field trials from the cassava program at CIAT, a new president of the ISTRC, and a...
by Maria Fernanda Mejia | Oct 25, 2018
Tackling Cassava Mosaic Disease in Southeast Asia ; In December 2015, a journal publication reported evidence of Sri Lankan cassava mosaic virus (SLCMV) in a single plantation in Ratanakiri province in northeast Cambodia. This was the first time that Cassava Mosaic...
by CIAT Comunicaciones | Oct 19, 2018
The next agri-food revolution begins in Cali having the 18th Triennial Symposium of The International Society for Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC), which will be held from October 22 to 25 at the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) headquarters, having as...
by Sean Mattson | Oct 17, 2018
PATÍA, Colombia – A few years ago, Elena Patricia Ulloa and Jesús Velasco took a hard look at their small dairy farm and decided things needed to improve. Even during the best of times – which meant a year with lot of rain and a mild dry season – a dozen cows on six...
by Maria Fernanda Mejia | Oct 14, 2018
Daniela, the producer who honors her family name: Campo (Field or Farm) By: Adriana Varón ; She was born on the farm, grew up there, and today she is a prosperous tomato producer, but not just any tomato! It is an organic tomato produced in a sustainable way and...