by Maria Eliza Villarino | Oct 12, 2017
CIAT Research Associate Sandra Valdes holds a petri dish with germinating rice seeds that are part of a a study to prove if a single gene may offer resistance to the destructive hoja blanca virus. Photo by: Neil Palmer / CIAT CIAT Research Assistant Alejandro Brand...
by Maria Eliza Villarino | Oct 12, 2017
The game-changing work of the researchers at CIAT and CCAFS, which uses big data techniques and involves working with local partners to develop climate and agricultural forecasts for farmers in Colombia and Honduras, is named a winner of UNFCCC’s Momentum for...
by Glenn Hyman | Oct 10, 2017
In the world – every day – there are thousands and thousands of agricultural trials taking place. These could involve testing maize under drought conditions, or beans for their resistance to pests and diseases. We can only guesstimate how many trials there...
by Maria Eliza Villarino | Oct 9, 2017
A cacao pod. Photo by: Neil Palmer / CIAT A consortium involving the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), the Rainforest Alliance, Root Capital, and the Sustainable Food Lab is gaining ground...
by Maria Eliza Villarino | Oct 5, 2017
Dr. Julian Ramirez-Villegas, a Climate Impacts Scientist, at CIAT and the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS). Photo by: Neil Palmer / CIAT Over the last few years, CIAT, CCAFS and their partners* have been doing...
by Maria Eliza Villarino | Oct 5, 2017
A field trip to Reserva Natural El Hatico, familia Molina Durán, near Palmira, Colombia, to take carbon measurements in an area of tropical forest, as part of a CIAT-hosted workshop on REDD+. Photo: Neil Palmer / CIAT A recent tweet by the Colombian government’s...