by Georgina Smith | Aug 29, 2017
A new study shows that adding tiny, ‘micro’ amounts of certain nutrients to the soil, could boost crop yields in Africa by up to 25 percent. Usually, plants need macronutrients to grow properly. These nutrients – nitrogen, potassium and phosphorous – are...
by Maria Eliza Villarino | Aug 10, 2017
At noon, a 60-year-old farmer ends his lunch and checks an app on his mobile phone. The next day, he spreads fertilizer on his crop. That’s happening in Japan. And that could be the future in Colombia and beyond, where food producers make fast, smart, and precise...
by Andy Jarvis | Aug 3, 2017
Uber disrupted taxis; Tinder disrupted dating. It’s about time we disrupted food. Because something clearly isn’t working. If a fridge can tell me exactly when a stick of celery is about to reach its expiry date, why is agriculture – something we’ve been doing...
by Adriana Varón | Aug 3, 2017
Yes, efforts to reduce deforestation and build peace can take the same road What can the countries who are currently fighting to slow down deforestation and the degradation of their forests possibly have in common? A lot! In addition to sharing negative impacts for...
by Madelline Romero | Jul 24, 2017
In thirty years, the Philippines may become even more dependent on imports of rice, coffee, vegetables, and pork. This is due in part to decreased crop yields because of increased water and heat stress, increased incidence of pests and diseases, and shifts in crop...
by Adriana Varón | Jul 5, 2017
Daniel Debouck, a researcher in CIAT’s Genetic Resources Program, received the Order of Leopold, the highest recognition that the Kingdom of Belgium bestows, for his 40 years of scientific work. In an emotional ceremony held this past Wednesday at CIAT, Jeroen...