Big Data on Your Plate
International analytics award goes to CGIAR centers for sustainable agriculture tools
The 2020 Innovative Applications in Analytics Award (IAAA) was awarded to the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT, and the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA). Their tools, which help farmers to increase productivity, use more sustainable practices and access markets, topped bids from international technology companies and universities with projects applied to various fields.
Subnational climate-smart agriculture (CSA) action planning: Lessons learned with Veronica Ndetu, head of the Climate Change Unit of the Ministry of Agriculture
Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) is the proposed approach in the face of climate variability. The government of Kenya, through the Ministry of Agriculture, is playing an active role in advocating for the uptake of CSA both nationally and subnationally.
Where do we see our world in 2050?
What will food systems, agriculture and the environment look like in 2050? Given current trends, there is a range of highly contrasting outcomes
In one scenario, these bedrocks of society will have continued down their current path and faced significantly greater challenges than they do today.
Digital extension – a hot topic for 2019
This webinar is intended to kick-start this new debate by walking participants through three of the most exciting/groundbreaking CGIAR initiatives. Guest speakers from CIMMYT, ICRISAT and IRRI will present and discuss how they are engaging with digital extension and share their perspectives and lessons learned for this emerging sector.
Origin of asymmetry: a webinar on the need for standards in data-driven services for agriculture
Last Friday 23rd of November, the CoP hosted the webinar called “Origin of asymmetry: a webinar on the need for standards in data-driven services for agriculture” tweaking the title of Muse’s famous album and in reference to the issue of asymmetry of information in the emerging market of digital services for agriculture. You can watch the recording of the webinar here.
Aligning needs with solutions: Data-driven agricultural innovation for Vietnam’s farmers
A mobile phone application that receives data from farmers is being piloted in Vietnam. Data coming from each farm will be entered as a quick response – QR – product code, which can relay to consumers, at point-of-sale, some information regarding the product’s environmental footprint. It’s a win-win-win situation: consumers get full product traceability, farmers receive agronomic advice based on what they enter into the app, and researchers obtain access to important data which can help them develop insights that can inform policy and decisionmaking.
The ‘unsexy’ essential to making agricultural predictive models
Hugo Andres Dorado Betancourt and Daniel Jimenez of the CIAT data team explain the importance of data cleaning to develop models that can predict the future, such as yields.
CIAT’s data team proves its capacity by winning the 2018 Syngenta Crop Challenge in Analytics
CIAT’s team took part this year in the Syngenta Crop Challenge in analytics. After intense work in preparing our submission, we couldn’t lower the error of our model anymore. But when the team submitted its proposal to the Challenge, back in March this year, we did not really know what to expect from it, as we had no idea of the real potential of those datasets we worked on…
I want to end malnutrition in Africa. That’s why I’m turning to big data and algorithms.
Our lead Africa nutrition expert Mercy Lungaho talks about how big data and artificial intelligence can finally put a stop to food security crises in the only region in the world where malnutrition remains on the rise.
From observation to action: How Terra-i’s near-real time monitoring of forest cover loss will support conservation efforts in Southeast Asia
The Cambodian government is looking into the possibility of Terra-i as a forest cover change monitoring tool in the country. Terra-i is the only tool that is global in scope and yet can be calibrated according to a country’s specific context. A near-real time monitoring system, Terra-i is able to support immediate ground action by providing information to forest rangers and provincial authorities on the state of the forest, as well as on looming encroachment.