Big Data on Your Plate

Winter is coming

Given the climate prediction models that indicate that winter is coming, is Colombia ready to face another winter 2016-2017 like La Niña 2010-2011?

Are we getting anywhere?

Our highest level global agreements are so urgent that it’s difficult to image how we will even agree on measuring them before their deadlines arrive. We have prepared a policy brief outlining how methods innovated by CIAT researchers and partners can be used as indicators for SDG target 2.5, Aichi target 13, etc.

Big Data Roadshow hits East Africa

“This is where the rubber hits the road,” said the World Bank’s Erick Fernandes, opening the first Big Data for Agriculture  Roadshow in East Africa  in Nairobi, on Wednesday May 24th. Speaking to participants from government, the private sector and research...

CIAT Annual Report 2015-2016 is out!

We build the fundamentals of sustainable food futures The world has never produced or consumed so much food. We cannot, however, ignore the pressure that food production is putting on the environment and the ecosystem services we all depend on. We cannot ignore either...

Daniel Jiménez

Daniel Jiménez

Agronomist, Decision and Policy Analysis (DAPA) Research Area

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