Climate-Smart Agriculture
Knowledge and information for development: A new vision for Nicaragua’s smallholder cocoa farms
A new decision-making toolkit is leading smallholder cocoa farmers, technicians and local organizations in Nicaragua through a learning journey on their farms, providing ways to plan interventions and track progress.
Climate change: coming to a supermarket near you
A new documentary about how climate change will affect both coffee producers in Colombia and consumers in the developed world will air on German television this weekend
This is what the future of coffee might taste like
New research shows that climate change is not only going to affect arabica coffee production, but also the taste of those prized beans
CIAT supports climate-smart agriculture in German development cooperation
CIAT joined an interesting panel discussion on the position of the German Ministry for Cooperation on Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA). We pointed out that CSA does not mean to ignore alternative development objectives but a shift in development priorities.
Setting the climate change agenda for the world’s largest cocoa producer
CIAT’s researcher Christian Bunn traveled to Ivory Coast to gather support for our initiative to make the world’s largest cocoa producer climate smart.
CIAT scientists participate in Nicaragua’s first agroecology congress
Looking to share knowledge of environmentally friendly agricultural production technologies to increase the country’s farming systems’ resilience to climate change, CIAT researchers participated in the First International Congress on Agroecology in Managua, Nicaragua.
CIAT directly engages with the European Cocoa Industry
CIAT researcher tells Cocoa industry actors “This is climate change: it is not the weather that is bad, but your expectations. You are maladapted to the new reality. You are no longer sourcing or producing in the optimal regions or using suitable production systems” at the European Cocoa Forum held on 15 and 16 September 2016 in Dubrovnik, Croatia
Livestock: climate menace or opportunity for change?
The CIAT team will present nine research posters at the Tropentag 2016 conference in Vienna, Austria, themed: “Solidarity in a competing world – fair use of resources,” from September 18 – 21.
CIAT’s research boosts development of Nicaragua’s livestock sector
To share experiences that will increase the productivity of Nicaragua’s livestock sector and improve the quality and efficiency of the country’s cattle production, the Nicaraguan Institute for Agricultural Technology (INTA) organized the “First International Congress on Challenges and Opportunities to Increase National Livestock Productivity” in Managua.
Does no news mean good news for Central American cacao?
No news is good news they say. According to the online Cambridge dictionary it is used “to make someone feel less worried when they have not received information about someone or something, because if something bad had happened, they would have been told about it”: We...
About Climate-Smart Agriculture
Agriculture accounts for over a quarter of greenhouse gas emissions, in some countries even more. But as well as being a big contributor to climate change, agriculture can also be a major part of the solution. CIAT is helping shape a farming future that is cleaner, greener, more productive and more resilient.