Ecosystem Action

BioTerra: The new biodiversity monitoring system being developed by USAID Natural Wealth Program

BioTerra es un sistema innovador de monitoreo de la biodiversidad y sus amenazas desarrollado por el Programa Riqueza Natural de la Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional (USAID), y sus socios locales—el Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT) y el Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt—para apoyar al gobierno colombiano en el cumplimiento de las metas y compromisos de conservación de la biodiversidad. Este sistema busca complementar y aunar esfuerzos existentes de monitoreo de la biodiversidad y sus amenazas, a nivel nacional y regional.

Living soils and some surprising results

By Job Kihara, Peter Bolo, Michael Kinyua, John Mukalama, Rolf Sommer, and Andrew Margenot.   “Where farmyard manure has been added, there is living soil. But the soil is dead where there is only mineral fertilizer application”. This statement by Erest Omulama, a...

An ecosystems approach to the SDGs in Africa: why we need to listen to farmers

To address all the SDG’s, we’re going to need to think like farmers. That means taking a systems approach that includes all kinds of agro-ecological farm systems. This mantra echoed through all the sessions at the Ecosystem Services Partnership Conference: Ecosystem Services for SDGs in Africa. Goals, 2, 5, 6, and 15 were in the spotlight, and to meet them, we have to think broadly and holistically.

About Ecosystem Action

We all depend on complex forces of nature to provide soil, water and pollinators to help us produce food. CIAT is working to help conserve the integrity of these vital ecosystem services, and give them the recognition and, where necessary, the protection they require.


Marcela Quintero

Marcela Quintero

Theme Leader, Ecosystem Services, Decision and Policy Analysis Research Area

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