Latin America and the Caribbean
Ecosystem services, the value that has no price
The Conference of Latin American and Caribbean Ecosystem Services: Healthy Ecosystems for Resilient Societies, which took place at the CIAT headquarters in Palmira, Valle del Cauca, from October 18 to 21.
Testing Fair Trade for All in Brazil
Fairtrade, FT, is a social movement that aims to connect disadvantaged producers and consumers, promote fairer trading conditions and empower producers to combat poverty, strengthen their position, and take more control over their lives (Fairtrade International).
New vulnerability assessment shows how climate change could redraw the agricultural map of Central America
A new study published today in Climatic Change shows what’s in store for some of Central America’s most vulnerable farming communities – and how to respond.
CIAT and partners focus on soil and land restoration in Paraguay
There is a first time for everything, as the saying goes. And for CIAT´s Soils Research Area, the project “Confronting the challenges of smallholder farming communities: Restoration of degraded agroecosystems,” provided the entry point for a new effort in Paraguay to enhance the livelihoods of smallholder producers through restoration of soils and landscapes that are degraded, and conservation of those that are still in good health.
Empowering the head to move the hands: A workshop at Heifer headquarters
Heifer’s management team dive into LINK, its official tool for promoting more inclusive businesses.
LINK finds an echo with Heifer teams in South America and other regions
Inclusive business cases developed by Heifer in South America and other regions with small-scale producers
Cali, Colombia in contrast: Feast and famine
Colombia is suffering malnutrition and obesity simultaneously and Cali, the country’s third largest city, is no exception. With support from Ford Foundation, CIAT is working with its host city to improve nutrition among the urban poor and to ensure a more just, equal, and peaceful future.
Climate change drives cropping shifts from coffee to cocoa in Central America
As a researcher there are few moments more awkward than being corrected at a public event. At this years Specialty Coffee Association of America seminar series I experienced this first hand after presenting a slide showing the expected impact of climate change on coffee in Central America.
Climate change: Special guest at the International Congress on Sustainable Rural Development
For 2 days, climate change was the topic of discussion at the Eighth International Congress on Sustainable Rural Development, which took place in Palmira, Valle.
Agricultural research, an ally for Colombia at peace
Claudia Navas, an advisor to Colombia´s High Commission for Post-Conflict Recovery, visited CIAT headquarters on 17-18 August with a clear objective: to gain a deeper knowledge of the Center´s experience in applied research and “identify effective interventions for territorial development that could be implemented during the first 18 months after the referendum on the peace agreement,” Navas said.
CIAT in Latin America
Through our work in one of the most ecologically and agriculturally diverse regions on the planet, we aim to ensure that the whole world benefits from agricultural innovations developed in Latin America and the Caribbean.
With its wealth of natural resources, wide pool of human talent, and strong record of technological innovation, the region has great potential for restoring degraded lands, achieving sustainable agricultural development, and strengthening global food security.