Latin America and the Caribbean

CIAT’s research boosts development of Nicaragua’s livestock sector

To share experiences that will increase the productivity of Nicaragua’s livestock sector and improve the quality and efficiency of the country’s cattle production, the Nicaraguan Institute for Agricultural Technology (INTA) organized the “First International Congress on Challenges and Opportunities to Increase National Livestock Productivity” in Managua.

Does no news mean good news for Central American cacao?

No news is good news they say. According to the online Cambridge dictionary it is used “to make someone feel less worried when they have not received information about someone or something, because if something bad had happened, they would have been told about it”: We...

Cassava – A root that brings Corpoica and CIAT together

A total of eight cassava varieties will be released in Colombia´s Cauca Department, Caribbean region, and Eastern Plains during the second half of 2016. Coming at the end of an important collaborative process, this achievement also signals the start of new joint efforts by the Colombian Corporation of Agricultural Research (Corpoica) and CIAT. Planted to more than 200,000 hectares in Colombia, cassava is used mainly for food, livestock feed, and the production of native and fermented starch. The latter is the primary product of processors in Northern Cauca.

CATIE and CIAT, a convincing partnership

That’s how Muhammad Ibrahim, new Director General of the Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE, its Spanish acronym) highligthed it during his visit to CIAT headquarters near Cali, Colombia, on 7 and 8 July, aimed to identify collaborative research areas, “taking advantage of our long-standing cooperation, which allows us to have credibility.

How much do countries benefit from one another’s crop diversity?

Bananas originated in South and Southeast Asia, and are now produced throughout the world’s tropics and eaten in at least 192 countries worldwide. Quinoa came from the South American Andes, and is currently cultivated in almost 100 nations. Countries clearly depend on one another’s crop diversity. But can we measure the extent of the benefits?

Brachiaria breakthrough: scientists home-in on apomixis

The US corn industry underwent a massive transformation during the 20th century. The introduction of hybrid seeds allowed farmers to grow row after row of uniform plants, which produced large quantities of grain. The seeds, which were produced by selectively breeding...

A commitment to inclusion in Honduras

In Honduras, members of the Asociación de Familias Agropecuarias Artesanales Intibucanas Lencas, ASOFAIL, strive to become the main characters in their own development. With the support of VECO MA and following the LINK Methodology promoted by CIAT, they have been able to strengthen the marketing agreement with Walmart, the multinational company, and to reach more markets with La Colonia supermarket chain.

CIAT in Latin America

Through our work in one of the most ecologically and agriculturally diverse regions on the planet, we aim to ensure that the whole world benefits from agricultural innovations developed in Latin America and the Caribbean.

With its wealth of natural resources, wide pool of human talent, and strong record of technological innovation, the region has great potential for restoring degraded lands, achieving sustainable agricultural development, and strengthening global food security.


Carolina Navarrete

South America and the Caribbean Regional Coordinator

Jenny Wiegel

Central America Coordinator (Managua)

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