Latin America and the Caribbean

Paula Paz, scientific talent for a greener world

Paula Paz, from CIAT’s Decision and Policy Analysis (DAPA) and Agroecosystems and Sustainable Landscapes (ASL) research areas, has worked for two years with governments in Latin America to increase the adoption of Terra-i, a tool for monitoring changes in plant cover that was developed by CIAT researchers and colleagues.

María Elker Montoya, champion creator of method to fight Rice Hoja Blanca Virus

María, who started her career as a Research Assistant at the Latin American Fund for Irrigated Rice (FLAR, its Spanish initials) and is currently a member of the Phenotyping Platform team at CIAT, developed a method to establish different stages of infection in plants, and thus meet the increasing challenge faced by producers, caused by an outbreak of the Rice Hoja Blanca Virus (RHBV) that has been observed in recent years in rice plantations from different countries of Latin America and the Caribbean.

Inter-institutional team tackles Honduras’s water crisis

More than 300 actors, including technicians and decision makers from six departments in western Honduras (Copán, Intibucá, Lempira, La Paz, Ocotepeque, and Santa Bárbara), have benefited from the Honduras Water platform [Agua de Honduras], co-developed by CIAT’s Agroecosystems and Sustainable Landscapes (ASL) and Decision and Policy Analysis (DAPA) research areas.

CIAT in Latin America

Through our work in one of the most ecologically and agriculturally diverse regions on the planet, we aim to ensure that the whole world benefits from agricultural innovations developed in Latin America and the Caribbean.

With its wealth of natural resources, wide pool of human talent, and strong record of technological innovation, the region has great potential for restoring degraded lands, achieving sustainable agricultural development, and strengthening global food security.


Carolina Navarrete

South America and the Caribbean Regional Coordinator

Jenny Wiegel

Central America Coordinator (Managua)

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