BiblioCIAT, an alternative to foster reading and dialogue

BiblioCIAT, an alternative to foster reading and dialogue

Recently we launched at CIAT HQ a Free Little Library which we called “Biblio-CIAT”. We hope to stimulate conversation and engage readers of all nationalities. You can find Biblio-CIAT at the coffee shop. How it works: We asked CIAT HQ staff to donate favorite books,...
CATIE and CIAT, a convincing partnership

CATIE and CIAT, a convincing partnership

That’s how Muhammad Ibrahim, new Director General of the Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE, its Spanish acronym) highligthed it during his visit to CIAT headquarters near Cali, Colombia, on 7 and 8 July, aimed to identify collaborative...
A “model” team addressing climate change

A “model” team addressing climate change

In the face of the fact that climatic change could increase the frequency and severity of droughts or rainy seasons, exposing farmers to adverse climates that would cause severe damage to crops, the Crop and Climate modeling team of CIAT’s Decision and Policy Analysis...

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