The world without beans: opinion piece

The world without beans: opinion piece

By Dr. Robin Buruchara, Director of the Pan-Africa Bean Research Alliance (PABRA) This opinion piece was first published by the Pan-African Media Alliance for Climate Change News Agency. It contributes to a global campaign to raise awareness of the importance of...
The business of quick-cook beans

The business of quick-cook beans

When it comes to transforming agriculture in Africa, the need to join forces with the private sector has surfaced again and again in recent times, notably at the Africa Green Revolution Forum in Nairobi last month. Transforming farming, and the business of...
Uganda’s rural women find beans to beat climate

Uganda’s rural women find beans to beat climate

Sunny Mbeeta Abwooli knows how to whip up a delicious meal, especially when it involves one of her favorite ingredients: beans. “We have many varieties of beans,” says Sunny, pointing to a colorful basket of different bean types. “They are different in color, taste;...

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