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International analytics award goes to CGIAR centers for sustainable agriculture tools

The 2020 Innovative Applications in Analytics Award (IAAA) was awarded to the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT, and the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA). Their tools, which help farmers to increase productivity, use more sustainable practices and access markets, topped bids from international technology companies and universities with projects applied to various fields.

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Regional research project seeks to promote the development of cacao to continue competing in the European market

Regional research project seeks to promote the development of cacao to continue competing in the European market

The Latin American and Caribbean region (LAC) is the main producer of fine flavor cacao in the world. The contribution of LAC to the worldwide production of cacao, currently 17%, has nearly doubled in the last decade, taking advantage of the growth of global and regional demand for cacao by consumers. Cacao buyers obtain part of their supply from LAC to diversify and ensure their supply, forecasting the growing demand for fine flavor cacao in the world market and anticipating the negative impacts of climate change, among other factors, in West Africa, where most of the conventional cacao is currently produced.

Milking opportunity in the foothills of Mount Kenya

Milking opportunity in the foothills of Mount Kenya

When Simon and Sylvia Kiruja started their farm three years ago, they never imagined it would get so big they would need a bigger plot. Their three cows used to bring them 7 litres of milk a day. Today, their 45 cows deliver more than 250 litres daily, contributing around US$1,700 monthly depending on the season, to the Kiruja’s income.

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Origin of asymmetry: a webinar on the need for standards in data-driven services for agriculture

Origin of asymmetry: a webinar on the need for standards in data-driven services for agriculture

Last Friday 23rd of November, the CoP hosted the webinar called “Origin of asymmetry: a webinar on the need for standards in data-driven services for agriculture” tweaking the title of Muse’s famous album and in reference to the issue of asymmetry of information in the emerging market of digital services for agriculture. You can watch the recording of the webinar here.

This week is Open Access Week:Let’s celebrate!

This week is Open Access Week:Let’s celebrate!

The theme for OA week this year is “Designing Equitable Foundations for Open Knowledge.” It incidentally falls on the same year when the five-year transition period for the implementation of the CGIAR Open Access and Data Management policy comes to an end.The policy mandates for the broadest possible distribution of all our information products while allowing for needed exemptions and guaranteeing fundamental rights such as farmers and authorship rights.This policy was fully adopted by CIAT and guides our open access efforts with support from the Organize module of the CGIAR Big Data Platform.

Fighting hunger through the mapping of key food systems indicators in the 1000 poorest communes of Vietnam

Fighting hunger through the mapping of key food systems indicators in the 1000 poorest communes of Vietnam

The EATS and CIAT have started to gather, synthesize and make accessible existing food system data on the poorest communes to the Zero Hunger agency. The final result from the synthesis is a website where users can see maps of key food systems indicators in the provinces of the poorest communes. These indicators are divided into three main areas: global drivers, food supply processes and health and nutrition outcomes.

Discover CIAT

The International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) develops technologies, methods, and knowledge that better enable farmers, mainly smallholders, to enhance eco-efficiency in agriculture. This means we make production more competitive and profitable as well as sustainable and resilient through economically and ecologically sound use of natural resources and purchased inputs.

CIAT is a CGIAR Research Center.

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