
Preparing cocoa production for an unknown future

The major challenge for the cocoa sector remains how to coordinate better, change incentive structures in commercial and political relationships rapidly and at sufficient scale to get in front of the projected impacts from climate change. Without successful collective action, the widespread establishment of resilient cocoa systems able to thrive under future climates remains doubtful.

CLEANED training take two: Kenya

The second CLEANED training occurred Nov. 21-23. Similar to the previous training in Rwanda, the participants were personnel from the livestock sectors, this time from Ethiopia and Kenya.

CIAT in Africa

CIAT’s vision of the promise of tropical agriculture is especially relevant to sub-Saharan Africa. Nowhere does the well-being of so many people depend so much on a concerted effort to realize farming’s potential for reducing chronic hunger, opening pathways out of rural poverty, enhancing human nutrition, and improving the management of natural resources. CIAT works especially on the following themes:

  • Leveraging markets through improved productivity and competitiveness
  • Agriculture for improved nutrition in Africa
  • Transforming farms and landscapes for sustainability
  • Investment planning for resilient agriculture



Debisi Araba

Debisi Araba

Regional Director

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