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BMS – A key system for CIAT breeders
Last April, a BMS (Breeding Management System) workshop was held, as a joint effort among Cécile Grenier (researcher at CIAT’s Rice Program), representatives from the Integrated Breeding Platform (IBP), and CIAT’s Data and Research Methods team.
BioTerra: The new biodiversity monitoring system being developed by USAID Natural Wealth Program
BioTerra es un sistema innovador de monitoreo de la biodiversidad y sus amenazas desarrollado por el Programa Riqueza Natural de la Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional (USAID), y sus socios locales—el Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT) y el Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt—para apoyar al gobierno colombiano en el cumplimiento de las metas y compromisos de conservación de la biodiversidad. Este sistema busca complementar y aunar esfuerzos existentes de monitoreo de la biodiversidad y sus amenazas, a nivel nacional y regional.
Learning more about soil ecology
Last April, the Soils and Landscapes for Sustainability Research Area at CIAT, in collaboration with the University of Minnesota (UMN) and the National University of Colombia at Palmira, held a training course entitled “Soil Ecology: Methodologies for the Assessment of Agroecosystems”.
Climate-smart agriculture profiles: Successes, lessons and new frontiers
Evan Girvetz, who has been leading CIAT’s climate-smart profiling project, talks about the biggest takeaways from and the future of the initiative.
Agriculture across borders
CATAS and CIAT Asia researchers held a 3-day joint workshop in April to prioritize key research areas, co-develop project concepts, and identify target funding sources. In the end, the new CATAS-CIAT cooperation portfolio came to include proposed projects on: 1) tropical crops such as cassava, forages, coffee, and tropical fruits; 2) sustainable farming systems including the role of microorganisms in enhancing productivity; 3) data-driven agronomy for sustainable agri-food systems; and 4) understanding consumer preferences for quality-traits to guide crop improvement and product development for tropical fruits.
How drone-assisted breeding can help stop rice hoja blanca disease
CIAT and FLAR are collaborating to breed more rice varieties that are highly resistant to a virus that can cause up to 70 percent yield loss.
In Nairobi summit, CIAT to officially launch Africa climate-smart agriculture profiles
At the Africa Climate Smart Agriculture Summit, CIAT is rolling out climate-smart agriculture (CSA) profiles for four additional African countries. This brings the total CSA country profiles focused on Africa to 11.
CIAT’s data team proves its capacity by winning the 2018 Syngenta Crop Challenge in Analytics
CIAT’s team took part this year in the Syngenta Crop Challenge in analytics. After intense work in preparing our submission, we couldn’t lower the error of our model anymore. But when the team submitted its proposal to the Challenge, back in March this year, we did not really know what to expect from it, as we had no idea of the real potential of those datasets we worked on…
Time to talk Internet of Things and agricultural technology
Wednesday, 23 May, between 11:00 a.m. and 12:00 m. (Colombian time), you will have a chance to join experts and take a close look at the rise of agritech and how green technology can enable more earth-friendly agriculture.
Join us in supporting TNC regional strategy in Latin America
We invite you to join The Nature Conservancy (TNC) in an unprecedented effort to collectively map agricultural expansion and land degradation in the Latin American region through an expert survey based on the input of many and diverse professionals, including you.