Navigating coverage of climate change and agriculture: CIAT and partners host webinars for journalists this February
During a series of webinars on climate change and agriculture, a global team of scientific experts will discuss tools journalists can use to help better convey how climate change and agriculture are intricately linked.
CIAT influences more than half a billion dollars of investment in rural development in Asia and Africa
Over the last six months, a team of researchers from CIAT’s Sustainable Food Systems initiative has worked intensively with IFAD to improve the impact of rural development projects in five countries in Asia and Africa.
World Bank and CIAT launch global analysis of climate-smart agriculture in 33 countries
Most comprehensive climate-smart agriculture study to date charts strengths, weaknesses and barriers to adoption in effort to unlock investment.
Tackling Cassava Mosaic Disease in Southeast Asia
This series of videos produced during the meeting held in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, on 18–20 September 2018, features these and other questions addressed by experts attending the meeting.
Partial food systems baseline assessment at the Vietnam benchmark sites
CIAT and the National Institute of Nutrition of Vietnam (NIN) launched a collaborative Partial Food Systems Baseline Assessment at different sites in the country. The aim of the study is to elucidate specific components of local Vietnamese food systems along a rural to urban gradient, with a specific focus on (i) diets and nutrition, (ii) nutrition status (anthropometry), (iii) consumer behavior and (iv) food flows.
CIAT Strategy refreshed for 2018–2020
In the five years that have passed since CIAT’s current strategy (2014–2020)1 was prepared, we have embraced new initiatives such as sustainable food systems, big data, and land restoration. We have also incorporated into our agenda the mandates of the UN Sustainable Development Goals2 and the Paris Agreement on climate change while maintaining our focus on impact at global, regional, national, and
subnational levels.
Aligning needs with solutions: Data-driven agricultural innovation for Vietnam’s farmers
A mobile phone application that receives data from farmers is being piloted in Vietnam. Data coming from each farm will be entered as a quick response – QR – product code, which can relay to consumers, at point-of-sale, some information regarding the product’s environmental footprint. It’s a win-win-win situation: consumers get full product traceability, farmers receive agronomic advice based on what they enter into the app, and researchers obtain access to important data which can help them develop insights that can inform policy and decisionmaking.
FAO and CIAT launch Asia-Pacific partnership for climate-resilient agri-food systems
The Food and Agriculture Organization and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) formally launched an Asia-Pacific partnership workplan at a forum hosted by FAO’s Regional Office in Bangkok on July 12th. Through this partnership, FAO and CIAT envision to contribute to Asia-Pacific countries’ achievement of SDGs including those for: zero hunger (SDG 2), clean water and sanitation (SDG 6), sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11), climate action (SDG 13), and life on land (SDG 15).
Threat of cassava mosaic disease, strengthening resilience to climate disasters, dominate conversations between CIAT and Vietnam agricultural institutions
Vietnam’s Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) officially renewed this week their scientific cooperation in agriculture and rural development, in a signing ceremony held at the Ministry’s national headquarters in Hanoi. The MOU marks the expansion of the MARD-CIAT collaborative agenda that will now seek to: increase crop and livestock productivity, improve quality of food and nutrition among Vietnamese food producers and consumers, improve management of the country’s natural resources, and to strengthen resilience of Vietnamese farmers, including against climate-induced natural disasters.
Can direct benefits from PPP schemes trickle down beyond private business to the rest of society?
How do you measure public-private partnership schemes’ impacts to the society and environment? To answer this question, researchers from CIAT and the CGIAR Climate Change, Agriculture, and Food Security (CCAFS) Research Program used the social return on investment (SROI) analysis, an appraisal and evaluation methodology that captures financial, social and environmental outcomes by using indicators and proxies to go beyond the standard financial measurement.
About CIAT in Asia
Despite the economic miracle that Southeast and East Asia has experienced over the last four decades, a significant proportion of the population living in rural areas and relying on agriculture remain poor. The economic crisis that hit Southeast Asia in the mid-1990s demonstrated the importance of a rural base for much of the population and prompted a much-needed renewal of commitment to improve the conditions of smallholder farmers.
The newly established Common Platform on Microbial Biotechnologies (CPMB) in Hanoi, Vietnam, is investigating the role of soil biota in sustainable cropping systems, and promoting agroecology in the region.