Big data and Africa’s Green Revolution

Big data and Africa’s Green Revolution

Big data will be key to Africa’s Green Revolution This article first appeared on AllAfrica. By Dr Debisi Araba “Take it to the farmer”. Those were the last words of Dr. Norman Borlaug, as remembered by his granddaughter Julie Borlaug in her opening speech at the...
Livestock: climate menace or opportunity for change?

Livestock: climate menace or opportunity for change?

This will be among topics presented by a team of CIAT’s researchers at the Tropentag 2016 conference in Vienna, Austria, themed: “Solidarity in a competing world – fair use of resources,” from September 18 – 21. Cattle production – which has a considerable...
Agricultural research, an ally for Colombia at peace

Agricultural research, an ally for Colombia at peace

Claudia Navas, an advisor to Colombia´s High Commission for Post-Conflict Recovery, visited CIAT headquarters on 17-18 August with a clear objective: to gain a deeper knowledge of the Center´s experience in applied research and “identify effective interventions for...
Trees on agricultural land sink four times more carbon

Trees on agricultural land sink four times more carbon

Trees grown on agricultural land significantly contribute to global carbon budgets, say authors in this recent study. If carbon from trees grown on agricultural land was well accounted for, total carbon estimates for agricultural land would be more than four times...

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