Climate-Smart Agriculture
International analytics award goes to CGIAR centers for sustainable agriculture tools
The 2020 Innovative Applications in Analytics Award (IAAA) was awarded to the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT, and the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA). Their tools, which help farmers to increase productivity, use more sustainable practices and access markets, topped bids from international technology companies and universities with projects applied to various fields.
Making adaptation efforts actionable at scale towards a climate-smart cocoa sector
New study: Making adaptation effort actionable at scale towards a climate smart cocoa sector.Public, private and non-governmental actors can use our recommendation domains to roll-out climate adaptation interventions at scale.
Grass height in cow nutrition: size does matter
In one day, a cow can eat between 25,000 and 30,000 morsels of grass. What do the differences in these amounts depend on? They will depend on how accessible the grass is to them, and the height of the grass could make a difference.
Subnational climate-smart agriculture (CSA) action planning: Lessons learned with Veronica Ndetu, head of the Climate Change Unit of the Ministry of Agriculture
Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) is the proposed approach in the face of climate variability. The government of Kenya, through the Ministry of Agriculture, is playing an active role in advocating for the uptake of CSA both nationally and subnationally.
Preparing Ghanaian cocoa farmers for changing climate conditions
CIAT collaborates with CocoaLink to help young farmers mitigate the negative effects of climate change through digital maps. Get critical information on cocoa and agricultural tips by downloading CocoaLink mobile application.
Terra-i user manual for monitoring land-cover changes is now available
The Terra-i tool enables stakeholders to use the data at different levels to take action in natural resource management and create synergies between national and local institutions for protecting and conserving natural resources, as well as enhancing related governance processes, at national and subnational scales.
Is climate-smart agriculture the silver bullet to attract youth to agriculture?
With the average African farmer’s age hitting nearly 60 years, the sector’s stakeholders have been diligently working to come up with measures on how to attract and retain youth in the sector. There have been a myriad of suggestions, but none of them seemed as attractive as engaging youth through climate-smart and digital agriculture.
Conservation agriculture meets relay cropping
In 2003, the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) designed a set of long-term trials in Kenya to assess sustainability and productivity effects of a set of management practices. These practices included conservation agriculture (CA), a combination of mulching, reduced tillage, and crop rotation, which has since grown to be widely promoted across Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) with good results.
CIAT, World Bank and partners announce Digital Agriculture Country Profiles initiative
Building on the success of the Climate-Smart Agriculture Country Profiles, CIAT, together with the World Bank and FAO, is leading an initiative to create profiles for digital agriculture, starting with Argentina, Grenada, Kenya, Turkey and Vietnam.
Climate-smart coffee in Uganda
At the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) we believe that adaptation to climate change should not be driven by a long series of bitter experiences of failed harvests. This is why we are part of the Feed the Future Alliance for Resilient Coffee, a consortium of non-governmental organizations and research institutions working at the intersection of climate change and coffee production.
About Climate-Smart Agriculture
Agriculture accounts for over a quarter of greenhouse gas emissions, in some countries even more. But as well as being a big contributor to climate change, agriculture can also be a major part of the solution. CIAT is helping shape a farming future that is cleaner, greener, more productive and more resilient.