Sustainable Food Futures
Announcing a new Value Chains for Nutrition project for 2016-2018
We are pleased to announce that BMZ (German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development) has decided to support a brand new Linking Farmers to Markets project, namely: ‘Making Value Chains Work for Food and Nutrition Security of Vulnerable Populations in...
EATxCali: Hungry for a Sustainable Food System
When I grew up, poor people were thin. Books, films and news coverage of famines perpetuated the stereotype. But today, poor people are increasingly likely to be overweight. Now it's often the rich who are the thin ones. It’s especially the case in cities, where most...
About Sustainable Food Futures
Food security is not enough to ensure a healthy future. We need new food production and distribution systems that ensure everyone has access to varied, nutritious foods produced with a minimal environmental footprint. From genes to beans to market chains to food waste, CIAT is helping shape the vision of a sustainable food system.