Preparing cocoa production for an unknown future

Preparing cocoa production for an unknown future

Worldwide demand is growing for cocoa products while production is under pressure from pests and diseases, unsustainable production practices and an adverse changing climate. In a world that is increasingly competing for finite resources, cocoa production will have to...
Only tortillas and beans

Only tortillas and beans

Every day we hear expressions like these in rural households in Guatemala. Families must make decisions on how to distribute food within their household. Not only on the food produced on their own farms – that often is scarce due to constant droughts affecting crops –...
Agriculture across borders

Agriculture across borders

CATAS and CIAT set priority agenda for collaborative research in China and Southeast Asia China is a major importer of agricultural products and ASEAN’s biggest trading partner. With nearly two billion people and many rapidly urbanizing areas between them, it comes as...

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