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Grass height in cow nutrition: size does matter
In one day, a cow can eat between 25,000 and 30,000 morsels of grass. What do the differences in these amounts depend on? They will depend on how accessible the grass is to them, and the height of the grass could make a difference.
Subnational climate-smart agriculture (CSA) action planning: Lessons learned with Veronica Ndetu, head of the Climate Change Unit of the Ministry of Agriculture
Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) is the proposed approach in the face of climate variability. The government of Kenya, through the Ministry of Agriculture, is playing an active role in advocating for the uptake of CSA both nationally and subnationally.
Top Visionaries to receive $200,000 USD for the compelling and inspiring Visions of their food future!
The Food System Vision Prize, launched by the Rockefeller Foundation and powered by SecondMuse and OpenIDEO is an invitation for organizations, institutions, companies, governments and other entities across the globe to develop a concrete and actionable Vision of the food system that they aspire to see in the year 2050.
Strengthening Partnerships for Agricultural Resilience in Africa
Going forward, the UM6P and the Alliance between Bioversity International and CIAT will work to initiate cooperation in research, education, and outreach with the aim of contributing to the advancement of science to address the challenges of sustainable agricultural intensification globally.
An Alliance for Accelerated Change
Our planet – both humans and the natural world – faces four global crises of relevance to the Alliance of Bioversity International and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT): climate change, biodiversity loss, environmental degradation, and the so-called triple burden of malnutrition – hunger, nutrient deficiencies, and overnutrition.
Multi-stakeholder Workshops for Food Systems Profiles at the A4NH Benchmark Sites along rural-urban transect in Vietnam
Following up a successful implementation of Partial Food Systems Baseline Assessment at the Vietnam Benchmark Sites in 2018 under Agriculture for Nutrition and Health program (A4NH), the food systems profile is a visualized and collaborative product led by International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) in collaboration with local authorities in the benchmark sites along rural-urban transect in Vietnam to provide a synopsis of the food systems of three sites in Vietnam.
Bridging the gap between CSA knowledge and action: Unlocking opportunities to the implementation gap
Over the years, Kenya has produced many development policies that have created an enabling environment to address poverty, food security, economic, social, and climate change issues. This puts our country among the top with robust policy and legal instruments that support national growth. In particular, recognizing the importance of climate change, Kenya has developed many policies, plans, and strategies, and ratified international conventions, all in an effort to provide a framework for promoting climate change adaptation and mitigation.
CIAT and partners fight cassava diseases in Southeast Asia with new project
Along with the support of numerous partners across the region, CIAT has put together and ambitious research project titled “Establishing sustainable solutions to cassava diseases in mainland Southeast Asia”. This project was commissioned by the Australian Center for International Agriculture Research (ACIAR) for four years with a total investment of AUD4 million.
Pan-Africa Bean Research Alliance co-winner of US$1 million Al-Sumait prize
The Pan-Africa Bean Research Alliance (PABRA) was awarded the 2019 edition of the US$1 million Al-Sumait Prize for African Development on November 25. PABRA, which is coordinated by the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), shared the award with the Africa Rice Center, said the Al Sumait Prize Board of Trustees in a statement after choosing the winners.
PABRA received the award “for serving a dynamic network of scientists and practitioners specializing in improving the productivity, processing, and the value chain of beans throughout Africa,” according to the announcement.
Monitoring and Evaluation of the Partnership Platform for the Amazon through Social Network Analysis
Monitoring and periodic analysis of the network of past, present, and future relationships within and outside the Partnership Platform for the Amazon (PPA) are an important component of the overall PPA learning agenda. To implement the Social Network Analysis (SNA) monitoring of the Catalyzing and Learning Platforms and Partnerships for Biodiversity Conservation (CALPP) Program, the specialists on statistics, SNA, and modeling from CIAT-Colombia, Jean-François Le Coq (overall project coordinator), Carlos Eduardo Gonzalez (SNA and modeling specialist), Bryan Mora (statistical analysis specialist), Camilo Andrés Méndez (statistical analysis specialist), and Vivian Zeidemann (program evaluation coordinator), have been working with their Brazilian collaborators Sylvia Mitraud (project coordinator in Brazil) and Valderli Jorge Piontekowski (IT development coordinator) from IPAM (Instituto de Pesquisas Ambientais da Amazônia), with the objective of monitoring some of the activities of CALPP through SNA.